Monday, May 1, 2017

6 Smart Strategies to Increase your Engagement on Facebook

6 Smart Strategies to Increase your Engagement on Facebook Pages

We all know that Facebook is one of the kings of all social media platforms on the Internet. Many marketers use Facebook to promote products, stay in touch with customers, and gain advice or feedback.

When it comes to a Facebook page, you can really build a community around your blog or business using this one webpage. However, if you don’t do things correctly, you can also waste a lot of time!

Read on to discover how you can increase your engagement on your Facebook page!

  1. Be personable. You never want your Facebook page updates to appear automated or too informal. Adding 3-4 statues per day that are simply outbound links just will not cut it! Your followers need to know there is a real person behind the page, not a robot or tool!
Mix up the links with other types of posts. And when you do want to drop a link, add some personal commentary in the status update as well – just to appear friendly and real.
  1. Ask questions. Some page updates should be simple questions that your fans will want to answer. Avoid closed-ended questions (yes/no questions) as they won’t create much discussion. Keep these statuses niche related so your page becomes a resource for many to get helpful information.
  1. Share images. Another way to break up the monotony of link updates is to share memes, quotes, and other images. These are more likely to gain likes or shares than comments, but any engagement is better than none! Images have a greater chance of going viral than text-based statuses, so keep that in mind when creating your updates.
  1. Post regularly. Sporadic posts throughout the week will not cut it if you want more engagement on your Facebook page. You have to be consistent. Facebook will take notice and likely hide your posts if you are too erratic with them. The solution here is to schedule your posts. You can do this right within your page, or use a social media tool like Hootsuite or Buffer.
  1. Analyze the statistics. Facebook provides a wealth of metrics and information in the backend of your page. You can see when your fans are most active as well as which updates got the most engagement. Use this data to create a schedule for your posts. That way, you are only sharing information when your fans are active and likely to see it.
  1. Use a Call to Action Sometimes, your followers just need to be told exactly what to do after reading your Facebook page posts. If you are asking a question, tell them to put their answer in the comments. For images, direct them to like and/or share the status. If you are sharing a link, tell them to CLICK HERE NOW!
These six little tricks will help to boost your Facebook page engagement. You will start to see more likes, comments, and shares, and you’ll feel more confident with your activities on this popular social network. At least, all the work you put into scheduling updates won’t feel like a waste!

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